
Sermons by the Late Rev. Charles Wesley is unavailable, but you can change that!

Travelling from place to place, and preaching in the open air, to diffuse knowledge and awake a sense of religion in the common people, was extraordinary and new, and it was certainly irregular, and excited the astonishment and the censure of the public. But that’s what the brothers John and Charles Wesley, along with their friend and fellow preacher George Whitefield, did. They felt it was of...

six days, he might upon the seventh retire from this world, and ascend in heart and mind into the heaven of heavens, whither his adorable Creator rested from the works of his creation. Another end of this command God hath declared, both on Mount Sinai and long after by his prophet Ezekiel: “I gave them my sabbaths, that they might know I am the Lord which sanctifieth them.” That these sacred days, so often as they returned, might confirm them in the important knowledge, that God was the author of
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